Saturday, November 19, 2005


Once I just finished my class at 10, both me and my roomie went to de coffee shop to get de first meal of de day~ Sigh! I'm freakin' fulled after de Mihoon Kuih but I had 3 slices of bread after that and a bar of chocolate! Sh**! I begun that kind of life again! Earing non-stoping! And de worst is.. I'm sleepy now ler!! Sob..
I really have to control my appetite lar! Not de appetite problem I think. Even when I'm darn full, I'm still thinking to have somemore when I'm in de mood to chew! I'm just wanna enjoy chewing de food.. Wow.. Haha.. It's so wonderful! How good if we just chew de food but don't wanna swallow it.. Ha, ha.. It's kinda satisfying! We are like that.. Not because of de food is a lot of few. Just want it to satisfy de feeling.. De feeling that when we're chewing.. Hihi.. Like yesterday, I was not in de mood to eat, eventually I drank 2 cans of drinks while they were dining.. What's wrong with my stomach?
Lolz..I'm sleepy...

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