Friday, September 29, 2006


I was in a conversation with Mr. 192 days ago..
Remember this fella? Boy used to call him 192 cause that's his height. Then we called him "192".

In that 0.1 second I sympathize with this fella. I've no idea why I would be that frank to him. Ish...And i said "welcome" to him. WatdeFaaarkk???

I had some talk with her yesterday and I felt bad with my absenteeism when she needed someone to be there, to listen to her.
She's strong. At lease she dare to say NO to him. If I were her, I would probably mess up everything and ruin everything. You're cool. And FUCK that fake bastard!

Woke up damn early in the morning for the sake of online course registeration. Ya, done it on Monday but today's is the registeration for co-co. Yes, co-curriculum. I HAVE TO TAKE CO-CO FOR THE NEXT TRIMESTER!! Guess what. I'm taking chess. CHESS! =.="

I was chatting with Louie, my best friend who's in New Zealand. She got approved by the top Uni in NZ. A medicine summer school. Isn't that cool? For my information, she would also apply to a Uni in Australia. Also top uni, and 19th top in the world. No doubt, she must strived a very good result. So envy lar.. U know what, during secondary school she didn't really care much about her studies. She was in the last class and now she get the chance to enter the top Uni in where she studying. MEDICINE somemore. Haha, she accomplishes Cyn and Mei's dream.

Hng.. Dont care don't care! I also wanna study! I wanna be like her!! She sets a good example for imitation. Hm, actually her science subjects and add maths were pretty good last time. Yea, she's smart..^^

Can I stand for whole day since I only had 4 hours++ sleep. *Frown*

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