Sunday, May 21, 2006

Lame for Da whOle fucking day!

Supposingly I'm statistic-ing in Da hall instead of blogging.
He is going to Glo for Sashiki's advance birthday and just now he was busy helping Mr. G to finish up the surprise thingy.

Shella can't wait...:
1. understand everything about statistic and accounting.
2. finish the final exam.
3. lose my weight! (Eat-sleep N' eat-sleep... I'm FAT!!)
4. pack my stuffs.
5. meet my brother.
6. go to Genting.
7. get into my new house in Cyber.
8. shop at Ikea.
9. hang out with my friends in Pg.
10. ...for her dear to win the competition. (so she can meet him soon..fuh.. lolz)
11. visit Jenny, my beautician.
12. ... to purchase a new laptop.

Also, wondering when is my housemate that biatch wanna clean her dishes! Fuck!

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